Saturday, December 30, 2006

居酒屋 izakaya

居酒屋(izakaya) is a traditional Japanese style pub, where the Japanese like to gather up for 飲み会(nomikai). What they provide is not only alcohol but very delicious Japanese cuisine which is the reason why I enjoy going there.
I went there again 2 weeks ago when my house-mate's family were visiting Japan. This shop is call 八角(Hakkaku).It was a great night.The atmosphere was good, the food was awesome and we had a very fun time chatting throughout the night. Apparently they like the food very much.

beer-Japanese like beer so much, for me one is just nice!
刺身(sasimi)A close-up shot at the prawn
I forgot what is this called but it's chicken fillet with cheese inside
牛刺身(gyusasimi)日本焼酎(Japanese sake) the best with the gyusasimi above角煮(kakuni


phyee86 said...

Wow, they all look delicious....

Pit Fuh said...

Hmmm...the food really looks very tempting and delicious.
Will we have the opportunity to try that?